Nuclear Sciences
Nuclear applications, like nuclear safeguards, environmental control and nuclear fuel processing to generate nuclear energy, undergo very stringent regulations, requiring precise and accurate isotope analysis of uranium and other actinide elements. Nuclear safeguards and environmental control require ultimate detection systems to be able to find uranium and actinide isotopic signatures in very small samples like tissues. For nuclear power plants, it is crucial to use the correct amount and mixture of nuclear fuels for the nuclear fission process and as such requires precise and accurate 235U and 239Pu isotope information of the feed and product material.
The Thermo Scientific™ TRITON Plus™ is a multi-collector Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) that is well established within the nuclear industry. Also, the ICP-MS instruments from Thermo Scientific, the Neptune Plus™ Multicollector ICPMS, the Element 2™ and Element XR™ single collector HR-ICPMS, are very powerful instruments for trace element and uranium isotope analysis in nuclear samples, as well as nuclear forensics and safeguards.
Key Applicatons
- Uranium Isotopic Analysis by Total Evaporation
- Highly Sensitive Uranium Isotopic Analysis for Nuclear Safeguards
- High Throughput Uranium Isotopic Analysis for the Nuclear Industry
- Isotope Ratio Analysis of Low Abundance Uranium Isotopes
- Trace Metal Determination in Uranium Matrix
- Low-level Uranium Analysis in Environmental Samples