LC IsoLink
New frontiers in isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Open new frontiers in isotope ratio mass spectrometry with the Thermo Scientific™ LC IsoLink™ interface for irm-LC/MS. The LC Isolink interface couples HPLC and IRMS, facilitating sensitive, accurate on-line determination of 13C/12C ratios for compounds insufficiently volatile or too thermally labile to be separated by gas chromatography. The interface preserves the integrity of chromatographic resolution and enables acquisition of isotopic data on an HPLC time scale. Applications include metabolism studies, food and pharmaceutical authentication, doping control, and biogeochemistry research.
- Chromatographic resolution is preserved and isotope ratio data are acquired on an HPLC time scale
- Accuracy and precision compare favorably with elemental analyzer IRMS but 100 times less sample is required
- Sensitivity is sufficient for isotope ratio determination of 13C/12C on sample amounts as low as 50 ng in direct injection mode
- The interface has only a few variables, e.g. flow of oxidizing agent and He flow, so method development and operation are exceedingly simple
- Complete system control by Thermo Scientific™ Isodat™ software allows automated data acquisition, analysis, and report generation for high sample throughput
- Samples are oxidized in solution and extracted before analysis; the liquid phase is not vaporized, so inorganic buffers do not accumulate in the system, making the LC IsoLink interface essentially maintenance free