Greenhouse Gas Monitoring

Quality control

Carbon dioxide is, next to water vapour, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and chlorofluorocarbons, one of the major greenhouse gases. By determining the isotopic composition of carbon dioxide, crucial information can be derived about the sources of the observed increase in atmospheric CO2. Greenhouse gas monitoring requires rigorous quality control to ensure the long term traceability.

Thermo Scientific provides you with the instrumentation to support research in this field of application. The Thermo Scientific™ Delta Ray™ and Delta Ray Connect™, Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometry products are very powerful for this application, being able to measure the CO2 content and its 13C and 18O isotope composition in ambient air. The instruments with their excellent precision, built in referencing system and workflows provide a perfect match to these challenges.

Key Applicatons

  • Monitoring of Rapid Changes of CO2
  • Greenhouse Gas Monitoring
